• San Martin 1998 data
    • Plots within communities
    • Number of species per Plot
    • Number of species per Plot within communities
    • Number of species per community type
    • Proportion of life forms for each community

San Martin 1998 data

This dataset describes the vegetation of the spring ponds in the vicinity of Temuco (Cautín, Chile). The dataset comprises 80 plots corresponding to 12 communities

## object size: 98 Kb 
## validation of 'taxlist' object: TRUE 
## number of taxon usage names: 548 
## number of taxon concepts: 199 
## trait entries: 85 
## number of trait variables: 8 
## taxon views: 10 
## concepts with parents: 164 
## concepts with children: 113 
## hierarchical levels: form < variety < subspecies < species < section < subgenus < genus < subfamily < family < phylum 
## number of concepts in level form: 0
## number of concepts in level variety: 6
## number of concepts in level subspecies: 1
## number of concepts in level species: 86
## number of concepts in level section: 0
## number of concepts in level subgenus: 0
## number of concepts in level genus: 71
## number of concepts in level subfamily: 0
## number of concepts in level family: 35
## number of concepts in level phylum: 0

Plots within communities

N Plots
Anthoxanthum utriculatum 4
Eleocharietum macrostachyae 7
Eleocharietum pachycarpae 11
Eleocharis pachycarpa-Lythrum portula 5
Glycerietum multiflorae 2
Gnaphalio cymatoidis-Polygonetum piperoidis 7
Juncetum proceri 15
Junco proceri-Caricetum ripariae 1
Ludwigia peploides-Sagittaria montevidense 7
Mentho pulegium-Agrostietum capillaris 16
Phyla nodiflora 4
Potamogeton pusilus 1

Number of species per Plot

Number of species per Plot within communities

Community Mean species per plot
Anthoxanthum utriculatum 14.000000
Eleocharietum macrostachyae 7.142857
Eleocharietum pachycarpae 8.545454
Eleocharis pachycarpa-Lythrum portula 7.400000
Glycerietum multiflorae 4.500000
Gnaphalio cymatoidis-Polygonetum piperoidis 9.428571
Juncetum proceri 10.066667
Junco proceri-Caricetum ripariae 6.000000
Ludwigia peploides-Sagittaria montevidense 5.142857
Mentho pulegium-Agrostietum capillaris 10.187500
Phyla nodiflora 4.750000
Potamogeton pusilus 1.000000

Number of species per community type

Community Species
Mentho pulegium-Agrostietum capillaris 43
Juncetum proceri 44
Phyla nodiflora 10
Eleocharietum pachycarpae 34
Gnaphalio cymatoidis-Polygonetum piperoidis 19
Anthoxanthum utriculatum 20
Eleocharis pachycarpa-Lythrum portula 16
Ludwigia peploides-Sagittaria montevidense 9
Eleocharietum macrostachyae 22
Junco proceri-Caricetum ripariae 6
Potamogeton pusilus 1
Glycerietum multiflorae 6

Proportion of life forms for each community