San Martin 1998 data
This dataset describes the vegetation of the spring ponds in the
vicinity of Temuco (CautÃn, Chile). The dataset comprises 80 plots
corresponding to 12 communities
## object size: 98 Kb
## validation of 'taxlist' object: TRUE
## number of taxon usage names: 548
## number of taxon concepts: 199
## trait entries: 85
## number of trait variables: 8
## taxon views: 10
## concepts with parents: 164
## concepts with children: 113
## hierarchical levels: form < variety < subspecies < species < section < subgenus < genus < subfamily < family < phylum
## number of concepts in level form: 0
## number of concepts in level variety: 6
## number of concepts in level subspecies: 1
## number of concepts in level species: 86
## number of concepts in level section: 0
## number of concepts in level subgenus: 0
## number of concepts in level genus: 71
## number of concepts in level subfamily: 0
## number of concepts in level family: 35
## number of concepts in level phylum: 0
Plots within communities
Anthoxanthum utriculatum |
4 |
Eleocharietum macrostachyae |
7 |
Eleocharietum pachycarpae |
11 |
Eleocharis pachycarpa-Lythrum portula |
5 |
Glycerietum multiflorae |
2 |
Gnaphalio cymatoidis-Polygonetum piperoidis |
7 |
Juncetum proceri |
15 |
Junco proceri-Caricetum ripariae |
1 |
Ludwigia peploides-Sagittaria montevidense |
7 |
Mentho pulegium-Agrostietum capillaris |
16 |
Phyla nodiflora |
4 |
Potamogeton pusilus |
1 |
Number of species per Plot

Number of species per Plot within communities
Anthoxanthum utriculatum |
14.000000 |
Eleocharietum macrostachyae |
7.142857 |
Eleocharietum pachycarpae |
8.545454 |
Eleocharis pachycarpa-Lythrum portula |
7.400000 |
Glycerietum multiflorae |
4.500000 |
Gnaphalio cymatoidis-Polygonetum piperoidis |
9.428571 |
Juncetum proceri |
10.066667 |
Junco proceri-Caricetum ripariae |
6.000000 |
Ludwigia peploides-Sagittaria montevidense |
5.142857 |
Mentho pulegium-Agrostietum capillaris |
10.187500 |
Phyla nodiflora |
4.750000 |
Potamogeton pusilus |
1.000000 |