A personal project applying descriptive statistics to own data.
Use own data or personal data to describe a research project in a Notebook. Be creative and attempt to use all learned skills.
You can start with a skeleton of the main chapters and complement during the progress of the workshop.
Suggested Structure
You can use the classical structure for publications on vegetation studies as follows:
- Introduction
- Background
- Problem Statement
- Study Site
- Location
- Bioclimatic Settings
- Geology/Soils
- Methods
- Data/Sample Collection
- Lab assessments
- Statistical Analysis
- Results/Discussion
- Bibliographic References
Trained Skills
- Advanced knowledge about the use of RMarkdown for reporting scientific results
- Basic/advanced knowledge about management of taxonomic data and diversity records in R
- Basic/advanced knowledge about statistical assessment of diversity information in R
Submitted Results
No submitted resuts yet.