Cleistogenes serotina (L.) Keng is a perennial herbaceous grass, living in xeric grasslands and steppe habitat. Its native range is Europe to Central Asia and it grows primarily in the temperate biome.
C. serotina occurrences according to GBIF database. In East Asian countries, the species is introduced.
Grass species are often neglected and overlooked; this is why I selected this species. It was one of the trickiest species to identify during field samplings for my Bachelor thesis, as it tooked about two months before it blossomed and I could give it a name. This feature is also reported in the species name, as the latine adjective “serotina” means late, indicating that flowers are produced late in the growing season.
cleist_sp <- new("taxlist")
## object size: 5.1 Kb
## validation of 'taxlist' object: TRUE
## number of taxon usage names: 0
## number of taxon concepts: 0
## trait entries: 0
## number of trait variables: 0
## taxon views: 0
levels(cleist_sp) <- c("species", "genus", "family", "kingdom")
## [1] "species" "genus" "family" "kingdom"
cleist_sp <- add_concept(cleist_sp, TaxonName = "Plantae", Level = "kingdom")
cleist_sp <- add_concept(cleist_sp, TaxonName = "Poaceae", AuthorName = "Barnhart", Level = "family", Parent = 1)
cleist_sp <- add_concept(cleist_sp, TaxonName = "Cleistogenes", AuthorName = "Keng", Level = "genus", Parent = 2)
cleist_sp <- add_concept(cleist_sp, TaxonName = "Cleistogenes serotina", AuthorName = "(L.) Keng", Level = "species", Parent = 3)
summary(cleist_sp, "all")
## ------------------------------
## concept ID: 1
## view ID: none
## level: kingdom
## parent: none
## # accepted name:
## 1 Plantae NA
## ------------------------------
## concept ID: 2
## view ID: none
## level: family
## parent: 1 Plantae NA
## # accepted name:
## 2 Poaceae Barnhart
## ------------------------------
## concept ID: 3
## view ID: none
## level: genus
## parent: 2 Poaceae Barnhart
## # accepted name:
## 3 Cleistogenes Keng
## ------------------------------
## concept ID: 4
## view ID: none
## level: species
## parent: 3 Cleistogenes Keng
## # accepted name:
## 4 Cleistogenes serotina (L.) Keng
## ------------------------------
## Plantae NA
## Poaceae Barnhart
## Cleistogenes Keng
## Cleistogenes serotina (L.) Keng