Installing yamlme

For installing this package use devtools:

install_github("kamapu/yamlme", build_vignettes = TRUE)

After installing the package have to be loaded in the current R-session.

Create a document

This package aims to save documents with their respective settings (yaml-head) in R-objects.

my_document <- write_rmd(title = "Mi First Document", author = "My Name",
        output = "html_document", append = "# This is a comment in head",
        body = txt_body(
                "# Starting a working day",
                "At the beginning of every day I will do:",
                "- Say everyone \"Good morning!\"",
                "- Start the coffe mashine",
                "- Start the computer",
                "- Read mails"))
#> ---
#> title: Mi First Document
#> author: My Name
#> output: html_document
#> # This is a comment in head
#> ---
#> # Starting a working day
#> At the beginning of every day I will do:
#> - Say everyone "Good morning!"
#> - Start the coffe mashine
#> - Start the computer
#> - Read mails

By this way it is possible to produce documents from plain R-code. This document can be then rendered by the function render_rmd().

render_rmd(input = my_document, output_file = "my_document")

For more details, take a look on the vignette.


Similar packages

Other R-packages with similar tasks are yaml and ymlthis, where the later is quite close but uses a different approach defining separated functions for different elements, while yamlme uses a single function, which is quite open, writing the head in accordance to the argument provided in custom parameters. In addition, yamlme does not have any dependency.