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Tables providing information about levels of categorical variables in the header are called popups in Turboveg databases but relations in vegtable objects. Such variables will be converted into factors in the slot header according to the levels and their sorting in the respective relation.


veg_relation(vegtable, relation, ...)

# S4 method for class 'vegtable,character'
veg_relation(vegtable, relation, match_header = FALSE, ...)

veg_relation(vegtable) <- value

# S4 method for class 'vegtable,data.frame'
veg_relation(vegtable) <- value



An object of class vegtable.


A character value indicating the relation table to be retrieved or replaced.


Further arguments to be passed among methods.


A logical vector, whether only levels occurring in slot header should be considered or all.


A data frame containing the new veg_relation.


This function retrieves and object of class data.frame. In the replacement method, an object of class vegtable, including value in the slot relations.


Miguel Alvarez


## overview of references
veg_relation(Kenya_veg, "REFERENCE")
#>    REFERENCE                     AUTHOR YEAR
#> 1       2789           Alvarez M et al. 2012
#> 2       3782                  Alvarez M 2016
#> 3       3489         Cahngwony K et al. 2015
#> 4       3783                  Alvarez M 2013
#> 5       2974                Bussmann RW 2002
#> 6       3011                  Schmitt K 1991
#> 7       3012                Bussmann RW 1994
#> 8       3784                  Alvarez M 2011
#> 9       2331                  Bronner G 1990
#> 10      3785                  Alvarez M 2014
#> 11      3786                     Behn K 2013
#> 12      3506          Fujiwara K et al. 2014
#> 13      3545                 Eisering M 2012
#> 14      3388                    Taton A 1949
#> 15      2797               Ngome AF al. 2012
#> 16      2396 Schultka W and Cornelius R 1997
#> 17      3352 Ayichedehou M and Lejoly J 2000
#> 18      3460             de Bock et al. 2009
#> 19      3239               Guyot et al. 1994
#> 20      3203                    Taton A 1948
#> 21      3211    Szafranski F et Apema K 1983
#> 22      3212        Szafranski F et al. 1983
#> 23      3158               Mullenders W 1953
#> 24      3350               Masens D-MYB 2000
#> 25      3347    Lejoly J and Lisowski S 2000
#> 26      3245         de Foucault et al. 1999
#> 27      3379           Mosango M et al. 2001
#> 28      3562        Abyot Dibaba et al. 2014
#> 29      3589              Zerihun Woldu 1986
#> 30      3464    Furness HD and Breen CM 1980
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                     TITLE
#> 1                                                                                                                      Floristic classification of the vegetation in small wetlands of Kenya and Tanzania
#> 2                                                          Syntaxonomic classification of aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation in two East African sites: preliminary results based on Cocktail algorithms
#> 3                                                                             Biomass and quality changes of forages along land use and soil type gradients in the riparian zone of Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
#> 4                                                                                                                                                 Relv\u0082s collected in Kihoto (Lake Naivasha, Kenya).
#> 5                                                                                                              Islands in the desert - forest vegetation of Kenya's smaller mountains and highland areas.
#> 6                                                                                                                                                     The vegetation of the Aberdare National Park Kenya.
#> 7                                                                                   The forests of Mount Kenya - vegetation, ecology, destruction and management of a tropical mountain forest ecosystem.
#> 8                                                                                                                                          Relev\u0082s collected in the Churo-Laikipia transect (Kenya).
#> 9                                                                                                                              Vegetation and land use in the Mathews Range area, Samburu-District, Kenya
#> 10                                                                                                                                                   Relev\u0082s collected in Marigat and Churo (Kenya).
#> 11                                                                                                                                                                                        GlobE Typology.
#> 12                                                                                                                                   Forest types and biodiversity around the Great Rift Valley in Kenya.
#> 13                                                                          Forest age, habitat disturbance and vegetation composition as potential determinants of Afrotropical geometrid moth diversity
#> 14                                                                                                        Les principales associations herbeuses de la R\u0082gion de Nioka et leur valeur agrostologique
#> 15                                                                                              Management options and soil types differentially affect weeds in maize fields of Kakamega, Western Kenya.
#> 16                                                                                                               Vegetation structure of a heavily grazed range in northern Kenya: tree and shrub canopy.
#> 17                                                                                                        \u0090tude phytosociologique des friches sur vertisols dans les environs d'Abomey (B\u0082nin).
#> 18                                                                                                      Ecohydrology of a seasonal wetland in the Rift Valley: ecological characterisation of Lake Solai.
#> 19                                                                                         La v\u0082g\u0082tation des zones inond\u0082es du Sud du Togo et son \u0082tat actuel sous l'emprise humaine.
#> 20                                                                                                                                          La colonisation des roches granitiques de la Region de Nioka.
#> 21                                              Contribution \u0085 la connaissance des groupements v\u0082g\u0082taux aquatiques et semi-aquatiques dans les environs de Kisangani (Haut-Za\u008bre). I.
#> 22 Contribution \u0085 la connaissance des groupemente v\u0082g\u0082taux aquatiques et semi-aquatiques dans les environs de Kisangani (Haut-Za\u008bre). II. L'association \u0085 Eleocharis acutangula.
#> 23                                                                                       Contribution a l'\u0082tude des groupements v\u0082g\u0082taux de la contr\u0082e de Goma-Kisenyi (Kivu-Ruanda).
#> 24                                                   La prairie aquatique \u0085 Salvinia nymphellula et Limnophila ceratophylloides dans la r\u0082gion de Kikwit (Bandundu, R\u0082p. D\u0082m. Congo).
#> 25                                                                                    La v\u0082g\u0082tation des clairi\u008ares sur sol hydromorphe dans le Parc National d'Odzala (Congo-Brazzaville).
#> 26                                                                                                   Contribution \u0085 l'\u0082tude phytosociologique des v\u0082g\u0082tations inondables du Sud Togo.
#> 27                                                                                                                              Talinetum paniculatum, a new synanthropic association of tropical Africa.
#> 28                                                             Diversity, structure and regeneration status of the woodland and riverine vegetation of Sire Beggo in Gololcha District, Eastern Ethiopia.
#> 29                                                                                                                                       Grassland communities on the central plateau of Shewa, Ethiopia.
#> 30                                                                                                                            The vegetation of seasonally flooded areas of the Pongolo River floodplain.
#>                                                                         PUBLISHED
#> 1                                              Biodiversity and Ecology 4: 63-76.
#> 2                                                     Phytocoenologia (in press).
#> 3                                              Ecological Indicators 49: 169-177.
#> 4                                                                    Unpublished.
#> 5                              Journal of East African Natural History 91: 27-79.
#> 6                                                  Hochgebigsforschung 8: 259 pp.
#> 7                                                                            <NA>
#> 8                                                                    Unpublished.
#> 9                                                    Dissertationes Botanicae 160
#> 10                                                                   Unpublished.
#> 11                                                                   Unpublished.
#> 12                                              Contributii Botanice 49: 143-178.
#> 13                                                            ETH (Master Thesis)
#> 14             Bulletin Agricole du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi 40: 1884-1900
#> 15                    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 2: 104-114
#> 16                                       Journal of Arid Environments 36: 291-306
#> 17                                      Colloques Phytosociologiques 27: 465-477.
#> 18                                        African Journal of Ecology 47: 289-298.
#> 19                                                    Biogeographica 70: 161-182.
#> 20                                                          Vegetatio 1: 317-332.
#> 21  Bulletin de la Soci\u0082t\u0082 Royale de Botanique de Belgique 116: 93-106.
#> 22 Bulletin de la Soci\u0082t\u0082 Royale de Botanique de Belgique 116: 189-194.
#> 23                                                            Vegetatio 4: 73-83.
#> 24                                      Colloques Phytosociologiques 27: 429-442.
#> 25                                      Colloques Phytosociologiques 27: 371-382.
#> 26                                        Belgian Journal of Botany 132: 141-152.
#> 27                                           Polish Botanical Journal 46: 99-107.
#> 28                                  Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science 6: 70-96.
#> 29                                                            Vegetatio 67: 3-16.
#> 30                                                          Bothalia 13: 217-231.