A subset of http://www.givd.info/ID/AF-00-006SWEA-Dataveg including five references providing plots collected in Kenya.
An object of class vegtable.
Bronner G (1990). Vegetation and land use in the Mathews Range area, Samburu-District, Kenya. J. Cramer, Berlin.
Bussmann RW (1994). The forests of Mount Kenya – vegetation, ecology, destruction and management of a tropical mountain forest ecosystem. Universität Bayreuth.
Bussmann RW (2002). Islands in the desert – forest vegetation of Kenya's smaller mountains and highland areas. Journal of East African Natural History 91: 27–79.
Fujiwara K, Furukawa T, Kiboi SK, Mathenge S, Mutiso P, Hayashi H, Meguro S (2014). Forest types and biodiversity around the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. Contributii Botanice 49: 143–178.
Schmitt K (1991). The vegetation of the Aberdare National Park Kenya. Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck.
Miguel Alvarez kamapu78@gmail.com and Michael Curran currmi01@gmail.com
#> ## Metadata
#> db_name: Sweadataveg
#> sp_list: Easplist
#> dictionary: Swea
#> object size: 9501 Kb
#> validity: TRUE
#> ## Content
#> number of plots: 1946
#> plots with records: 1946
#> variables in header: 34
#> number of relations: 3
#> ## Taxonomic List
#> taxon names: 3164
#> taxon concepts: 2392
#> validity: TRUE