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Display summaries for vegtable objects.

Those methods are implemented for objects of the classes vegtable, coverconvert and shaker.

The method for class vegtable retrieves the metadata, the size of the object, its validity and additional statistics on the content of input object.

For objects of class shaker, the function summary() will either retrieve general statistics when companion is missing, or a more detailed display when accompained by a taxlist or vegtable object.


# S4 method for class 'vegtable'
summary(object, units = "Kb", ...)

# S4 method for class 'coverconvert'
summary(object, ...)

# S4 method for class 'shaker'
summary(object, companion, authority = FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for class 'vegtable'

# S4 method for class 'vegtable'
print(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'coverconvert'

# S4 method for class 'coverconvert'
print(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'shaker'

# S4 method for class 'shaker'
print(x, ...)


object, x

Object to be summarized.


Units used for object size (passed to format()).


further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


Companion object (either a taxlist or a vegtable object.


Logical value indicating whether authors should be displayed or not.


Miguel Alvarez


## Summary for 'vegtable' objects
#> ## Metadata 
#>    db_name: Sweadataveg
#>    sp_list: Easplist
#>    dictionary: Swea
#>    object size: 350.6 Kb 
#>    validity: TRUE 
#> ## Content 
#>    number of plots: 100 
#>    plots with records: 100 
#>    variables in header: 24 
#>    number of relations: 3 
#> ## Taxonomic List 
#>    taxon names: 417 
#>    taxon concepts: 96 
#>    validity: TRUE 
## Summary for 'coverconvert' objects
#> ## Number of cover scales: 3 
#> * scale 'br_bl': 
#>   Levels    Range
#> 1      r    0 - 1
#> 2      +    0 - 1
#> 3      1    1 - 5
#> 4      2   5 - 25
#> 5      3  25 - 50
#> 6      4  50 - 75
#> 7      5 75 - 100
#> * scale 'b_bbds': 
#>   Levels    Range
#> 1      r    0 - 1
#> 2      +    0 - 1
#> 3      1    1 - 5
#> 4     2m    1 - 5
#> 5     2a   5 - 15
#> 6     2b  15 - 25
#> 7      3  25 - 50
#> 8      4  50 - 75
#> 9      5 75 - 100
#> * scale 'ordin.': 
#>   Levels    Range
#> 1      1    0 - 1
#> 2      2    0 - 1
#> 3      3    1 - 5
#> 4      4    1 - 5
#> 5      5   5 - 15
#> 6      6  15 - 25
#> 7      7  25 - 50
#> 8      8  50 - 75
#> 9      9 75 - 100
## Summary for 'shaker' objects (alone and with companion)
summary(Wetlands, Wetlands_veg)
#> ## Species groups: 
#> * 'Cyperus papyrus' group: 
#>      Cyperus papyrus 
#>      Cyclosorus interruptus 
#>      Lepistemon owariense 
#> * 'Cyperus latifolius' group: 
#>      Cyperus latifolius 
#>      Ludwigia abyssinica 
#>      Lythrum rotundifolium 
#> * 'Centrostachys aquatica' group: 
#>      Centrostachys aquatica 
#>      Coldenia procumbens 
#>      Heliotropium indicum 
#>      Persicaria senegalensis 
#> * 'Pistia stratiotes' group: 
#>      Pistia stratiotes 
#>      Eichhornia crassipes 
#>      Azolla pinnata ssp. africana 
#> * 'Azolla nilotica' group: 
#>      Azolla nilotica 
#>      Lemna aequinoctialis 
#> * 'Ammannia prieuriana' group: 
#>      Ammannia prieuriana 
#>      Ethulia conyzoides 
#>      Leersia hexandra 
#> ## Formulas: 
#> * HY1: groups:'Centrostachys aquatica' 
#> * HY2: species:'Nymphaea lotus > 25' 
#> * HE1: groups:'Cyperus papyrus' | species:'Cyperus papyrus > 50' 
#> * HE2: species:'Typha domingensis > 25' 
#> * HE3: species:'Cyperus exaltatus > 50' 
#> * HE4: groups:'Cyperus latifolius' 
#> * HE5: species:'Phragmites australis > 50' 
#> * HE6: species:'Panicum subalbidum > 50' 
#> * HE7: groups:'Ammannia prieuriana' 