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vegtable 0.2.0

New Features

  • New data set veg_layers with information about vegetation layers.
  • New function new_layer() to add layer information tables in vegtable objects.


  • Function count_taxa() also inserts results into slot relations.
  • New arguments 'level' and 'include_lower' in function crosstable() They enable selection and/or merging of taxon ranks in cross tables.
  • Function cross2db() implemented in two methods, a data.frame-method and a matrix-method.
  • New parameter keep_synonyms in function used_concepts(), which can be used to skp synonyms in the output object.

Bug fixes

  • Fuction crosstable() was not applying properly the argument use_nas.

vegtable 0.1.8

CRAN release: 2023-03-14

New Features


  • Slot relations may deal with any element that can be coerced to data.frame.
  • All elements in slot syntax have to be of class taxlist
  • Parameter in_header defined in several functions is set as in_header = TRUE.
  • Former method for ‘aggregate()’ is now defined in function ‘veg_aggregate()’.
  • Deprecated functions: match_names(), merge_taxa(). These functions are now exclusive for objects of class taxlist.
  • Method names() for vegtable objects will retrieve a list with all names from the respective slots.
  • New coercion methods including functions as() and as<-.
  • Functions trait_proportion() and trait_stats() are also adding results to the slot relations.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue was solved for function taxa2samples() when setting an argument in the parameter 'merge_to', which was not properly working in all cases.

vegtable 0.1.7

CRAN release: 2021-10-13

New Features

  • New function used_concepts() to extract taxon concepts that are occurring in the plot observations.
  • New function cover_trans() in replacement of transform()
  • New slot syntax in vegtable objects.
  • show() and print() methods for objects vegtable, coverconvert, and shaker.


  • In function make_cocktail(), names of syntaxa are allowed to start with numerical values.
  • Function write_juice() includes a messages when working and with some metadata for cross-check when importing in Juice.
  • New arguments in function taxa2samples() setting the levels to be included in output object (include_levels) and to remove taxa without levels (na.rm).
  • Application of subset() extended to content in slot relations.
  • Function vegtable2kml() was deprecated to resolve dependencies on GIS packages associated to package plotKML.
  • Validity checks allow plots in slot header without records in samples.
  • Function summary() also providing number of plots with records.
  • Function transform() deprecated and replaced by cover_trans().

Bug Fixes

  • Files written by write_juice() in Linux are now readable in Windows.
  • In clean() objects with no entries resulted in invalid objects.
  • Bug in count_taxa() for aggregating ranks with missing records for lower taxa.

vegtable 0.1.6

CRAN release: 2020-04-30


  • Documentation implemented in roxygen2.
  • New argument preserve_ids in function add_releves().

Bug Fixes

  • Function count_taxa() adapted to the current package taxlist.

vegtable 0.1.5

CRAN release: 2020-01-13

New Features


  • New argument add_traits in function taxa2samples().
  • Output of count_taxa(), formula-method, indicates the counted rank in the output.
  • Adjusted settings in function write_juice() for general cases.
  • Argument as_matrix in function crosstable() alternating matrix or data.frame as output.
  • New arguments suffix and in_header for the function count_taxa().

Bug Fixes

  • Function taxa2samples() was not properly working when taxlist had taxon concepts without level information.

vegtable 0.1.4

CRAN release: 2019-01-22

New Features

  • New data set aspect_conv.
  • New function taxa2samples() for changing record names by their respective accepted names.
  • Function count_taxa() implemented for vegtable objects.


  • Updated data set Kenya_veg Including hierarchical ranks.


  • Function cross2db was not working properly for tables with only one column

vegtable 0.1.3

CRAN release: 2018-06-29


vegtable 0.1.2

CRAN release: 2018-05-10

New Features


  • No column LayerID in prototype for vegtable objects.
  • NA values are allowed for layers in slot samples.
  • Layers are not any more restricted to single plots.
  • Orphaned entries in slot layers will be deleted by function clean().
  • Argument match_header included in function veg_relation().
  • Validity check is not accepting NA values in TaxonUsageID at slot samples.
  • Validity check tests also the values of relations matching header with the respective relation.

vegtable 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2018-02-08

New Features

  • A method for function aggregate.
  • Slot layers added to vegtable objects.


  • Method subset working similarly to taxlist::subset.
  • Function clean does not modify slot species.
  • Function crosstable access also to taxon traits.
  • New argument use_nas for function crosstable.

vegtable 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2017-08-08

New Features

  • First delivery in CRAN.