Introduction to the package vegtable

R vegetation workshop

The package vegtable offers objects and functions for the work with plot observations in vegetation assessments (phytosociological relevés). This object class ensures consistency on data, while it is also allowing flexibility in the degree of completeness and resolution of data. This tutorial is an updated version of a workshop offered in the context of the 16th Workshop of the German Group on Vegetation Databases celebrated in Freiburg in March 2017.

Miguel Alvarez

The program of the workshop is accessible here.

First Steps

This session deals with the management and process of taxonomic lists and retrieving information from vegetation-plot databases. Following software will be required for this session:

Installation of requirements in R

Though all required R-packages will be installed in the computer room previous to this session, here there are instructions, in the case you try to repeat the sessions in your own computer. Following command line should be executed in order to install all required packages in R:

install.packages(c("devtools", "foreign", "plotKML", "rgdal", "sp", "vegdata",
  "vegan", "xlsx"), dependencies=TRUE)

This session will focus on the use of two packages that use GitHub as repository for sharing and development. The package taxlist processes taxonomic lists that may be connected to biodiversity information (e.g. vegetation relevés), while the package vegtable has a similar task but handling vegetation-plot records. Since vegtable is depending on taxlist, both packages should be installed and updated for this session:

install_github("ropensci/taxlist", build_vignettes=TRUE)
install_github("kamapu/vegtable", build_vignettes=TRUE)

Since both package are been uploaded in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), you can also use the common way to get the last released version.

install.packages("vegtable", dependencies=TRUE)

Documents and data sets

This is the main document of the Workshop and will be distributed among its participants. Additionally, data sets required for the examples are provided by the installation of the R-packages taxlist and vegtable.

Introduction to taxlist

The package taxlist define an homonymous S4 class. Among other properties, S4 classes implement a formal definition of objects, tests for their validation and functions (methods) applied to them. Such properties are suitable for structure information of taxonomic lists and for data handling.


This class is composed by four slots, corresponding to column-oriented tables (class data.frame in R). While the slots taxonNames and taxonRelations contain the information on names (labels of taxon concepts) and taxon concepts, respectively, representing the core information of taxonomic lists.

most important information regarding taxa (taxon concepts), information in slots taxonTraits and taxonViews is optional and they can be empty.

Building taxlist objects

Building taxlist objects can be achieved either through a step-by-step routine working with small building blocks or by importing consolidated data sets.

Using character vectors

Objects of class taxlist can be just built from a list of names formatted as a character vector. To achieve it, the functions new and add_concept are required.

plants <- c("Lactuca sativa","Solanum tuberosum","Triticum sativum")
splist <- new("taxlist")
splist <- add_concept(splist, plants)

Using formatted tables

In the case of consolidated species lists, they can be inserted in a table previously formatted for taxlist (or Turboveg). Such tables can include both, accepted names for plant species as well as their respective synonyms. A formatted table is installed in the package taxlist.

File <- file.path(path.package("taxlist"), "cyperus", "names.csv")
Cyperus <- read.csv(File, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

This table was originally imported form Turboveg and inherits some of its default columns. Four columns were renamed and are mandatory for process the table with the function df2taxlist:

Additionally the functions require a logical vector indicating, which of those names should be considered as synonyms or accepted names for its respective concept. This information is provided by the inverse value of the column SYNONYM in Turboveg.

Cyperus <- df2taxlist(Cyperus, !Cyperus$SYNONYM)
object size: 32.1 Kb 
validation of 'taxlist' object: TRUE 

number of taxon usage names: 95 
number of taxon concepts: 42 
trait entries: 0 
number of trait variables: 0 
taxon views: 0 

Using Turboveg species list

A direct import from a Turboveg database can be done using the function tv2taxlist. The installation of vegtable includes data published by Fujiwara et al. (2014) with vegetation plots collected in forest stands from Kenya.

tv_home <- file.path(path.package("vegtable"), "tv_data")
Fujiwara <- tv2taxlist("Fujiwara_sp", tv_home)

Summary displays

For taxlist objects there are basically two ways for displaying summaries. The first way is just ot apply the function summary to a taxlist object:

object size: 32.1 Kb 
validation of 'taxlist' object: TRUE 

number of taxon usage names: 95 
number of taxon concepts: 42 
trait entries: 0 
number of trait variables: 0 
taxon views: 0 

Note that this option also executes a validity check of the object, as done by the function validObject.

The second way is getting information on a particular concept by adding it concept ID or a taxon usage name as second argument in the function.

summary(Cyperus, "Cyperus dives")
concept ID: 197 
view ID: none 
level: none 
parent: none 

# accepted name: 
197 Cyperus dives Delile 

# synonyms (5): 
52000 Cyperus immensus C.B. Clarke 
52600 Cyperus exaltatus var. dives (Delile) C.B. Clarke 
52601 Cyperus alopecuroides var. dives Boeckeler 
52602 Cyperus immensus var. petherickii (C.B. Clarke) Kük. 
52603 Cyperus petherickii C.B. Clarke 

Specific information for several concepts can be displayed by using a vector with several concept IDs. Through the option ConceptID="all" it is also possible to get a display of the first concepts, depending on the value of the argument maxsum.

summary(Cyperus, "all", maxsum=10)

Example data set

The installation of taxlist includes the data Easplist, which is formatted as a taxlist object. This data is a subset of the species list used by the database SWEA-Dataveg (GIVD ID AF-006):


Access to slots

The common ways to access to the content of slots in S4 objects are either using the function slot(object, name) or the symbol @ (i.e. object@name). Additional functions, which are specific for taxlist objects are taxon_names, taxon_relations, taxon_traits and taxon_views (see the help documentation).

Additionally, it is possible to use the methods $ and [ , the first for access to information in the slot taxonTraits, while the second can be also used for other slots in the object.

  acropleustophyte        chamaephyte     climbing_plant facultative_annual 
                 8                 25                 25                 20 
   obligate_annual       phanerophyte   pleustohelophyte         reed_plant 
               114                 26                  8                 14 
     reptant_plant      tussock_plant               NA's 
                19                 52               3576 


Methods for the function subset are implemented in order to generate subsets of the content of taxlist objects. Such subsets usually apply pattern matching (for character vectors) or logical operations and are analogous to query building in relational databases. The subset method can be apply to any slot by setting the value of the argument slot.

Papyrus <- subset(Easplist, grepl("papyrus", TaxonName), slot="names")
summary(Papyrus, "all")

Or the very same results:

Papyrus <- subset(Easplist, TaxonConceptID == 206, slot="relations")
summary(Papyrus, "all")

Similarly, you can look for a specific name.

Phraaus <- subset(Easplist, charmatch("Phragmites australis", TaxonName),
summary(Phraaus, "all")

Parent-child relationships

Objects belonging to the class taxlist can optionally content parent-child relationships and taxonomic levels. Such information is also included in the data Easplist, as shown in the summary output.

object size: 761.4 Kb 
validation of 'taxlist' object: TRUE 

number of taxon usage names: 5393 
number of taxon concepts: 3887 
trait entries: 311 
number of trait variables: 1 
taxon views: 3 

concepts with parents: 3698 
concepts with children: 1343 

hierarchical levels: form < variety < subspecies < species < complex < genus < family 
number of concepts in level form: 2
number of concepts in level variety: 95
number of concepts in level subspecies: 71
number of concepts in level species: 2521
number of concepts in level complex: 1
number of concepts in level genus: 1011
number of concepts in level family: 186

Note that such information can get lost once applied subset, since the respective parents or children from the original data set are not anymore in the subset. May you like to recover parents and children, you can use the functions get_paretns or get_children, respectively.

summary(Papyrus, "all")
concept ID: 206 
view ID: 1 
level: species 
parent: none 

# accepted name: 
206 Cyperus papyrus L. 

# synonyms (2): 
52612 Cyperus papyrus ssp. antiquorum (Willd.) Chiov. 
52613 Cyperus papyrus ssp. nyassicus Chiov. 
Papyrus <- get_parents(Easplist, Papyrus)
summary(Papyrus, "all")
concept ID: 206 
view ID: 1 
level: species 
parent: 54853 Cyperus L. 

# accepted name: 
206 Cyperus papyrus L. 

# synonyms (2): 
52612 Cyperus papyrus ssp. antiquorum (Willd.) Chiov. 
52613 Cyperus papyrus ssp. nyassicus Chiov. 
concept ID: 54853 
view ID: 2 
level: genus 
parent: 55959 Cyperaceae Juss. 

# accepted name: 
54855 Cyperus L. 
concept ID: 55959 
view ID: 3 
level: family 
parent: none 

# accepted name: 
55961 Cyperaceae Juss. 

Introduction to vegtable

Objects of class vegtable are complex objects attempting to handle the most important information contained in vegetation-plot databases. They are defined in the homonymous package, while the species list will be required as a taxlist object.

As already mentioned, S4 objects are composed by slots:


The information contained in the slot is the following:

Building vegtable objects

An empty object (prototype) can be generated by using the function new:

Veg <- new("vegtable")

It is also possible to build an object from cross tables, assuming all species included in the table are accepted names:

File <- file.path(path.package("vegtable"), "Fujiwara_2014", "samples.csv")
Fujiwara <- read.csv(File, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Fujiwara_veg <-df2vegtable(Fujiwara, 1, 2)

Example data set

The package vegtable also provides own data sets as examples. One of those examples is dune_veg, which contains the data sets dune and dune.env from the package vegan.


Other example is Kenya_veg, which also represent a subset of the database SWEA-Dataveg (GIVD ID AF-00-006).

## Metadata 
   db_name: Sweadataveg
   sp_list: Easplist
   dictionary: Swea
   object size: 9501 Kb 
   validity: TRUE 

## Content 
   number of plots: 1946 
   plots with records: 1946 
   variables in header: 34 
   number of relations: 3 

## Taxonomic List 
   taxon names: 3164 
   taxon concepts: 2392 
   validity: TRUE 

As shown in the previous commands, the function summary displays a general overview of the object’s content, while it also runs a validity check. An additional display is offered by the function vegtable_stat:

## Metadata 
   db_name: Sweadataveg
   sp_list: Easplist
   dictionary: Swea
   object size: 9501 Kb 
   validity: TRUE 

## Content 
   number of plots: 1946 
   plots with records: 1946 
   variables in header: 34 
   number of relations: 3 

## Taxonomic List 
   taxon names: 3164 
   taxon concepts: 2392 
   validity: TRUE 

Primary references: 5

## AREA 
Area range (m^2): 150 - 1750
<1 m^2: 0%
1-<10 m^2: 0%
10-<100 m^2: 0%
100-<1000 m^2: 2%
1000-<10000 m^2: 1%
>=10000 m^2: 0%
unknow: 97%

## TIME 
oldest: 1983 - youngest: 2014
<=1919: 0%
1920-1929: 0%
1930-1939: 0%
1940-1949: 0%
1950-1959: 0%
1960-1969: 0%
1970-1979: 0%
1980-1989: 36%
1990-1999: 31%
2000-2009: 2%
2010-2019: 1%
unknow: 30%

KE: 100%

01: 83%
02: 17%
03: 0%
04: 0%
05: 0%
06: 0%
07: 0%
08: 0%
09: 0%
10: 0%
11: 0%
12: 0%

Access to slots

Some functions are provided for the access to slots of vegtable objects, namely header and veg_relation, taxon_traits and taxon_views (see the help documentation).

For a direct access of the content included in slot header, there are the methods $ and [:

veg_relation(Kenya_veg, "REFERENCE")[,1:3]


As a way to generate queries from vegtable objects, a method for the function subset is implemented as well. Following is the case of the data set dune_veg generating a subset with pasture plots.

pasture <- subset(dune_veg, Use == "Pasture")
## Metadata 
   object size: 22.2 Kb 
   validity: TRUE 

## Content 
   number of plots: 20 
   plots with records: 20 
   variables in header: 6 
   number of relations: 0 

## Taxonomic List 
   taxon names: 30 
   taxon concepts: 30 
   validity: TRUE 
## Metadata 
   object size: 19.4 Kb 
   validity: TRUE 

## Content 
   number of plots: 5 
   plots with records: 5 
   variables in header: 6 
   number of relations: 0 

## Taxonomic List 
   taxon names: 30 
   taxon concepts: 30 
   validity: TRUE 

Cross tables

Most of the applications dealing with analysis of vegetation tables (e.g. the package vegan) will deal with cross tables rather than with column-oriented database lists. Therefore a function crosstable is defined for the conversion of taxlist objects to cross tables. Before building a cross table it will be recommended to transform the cover into percentage value by using the function transform.

pasture <- cover_trans(pasture, to="Cover", rule="middle")

Cross <- crosstable(Cover ~ ReleveID + AcceptedName, pasture, max,

The first argument in the function is the formula y ~ x1 + x2 + ... + xn, where:

The second argument is the vegtable object and the third is a function, which will be applied in the case of multiple values in a cell (e.g. multiple records of a species within a plot).

Note that there is also a method dealing with class data.frame (see the help documentation).

dune_veg <- cover_trans(dune_veg, to="Cover", rule="middle")

Cross_use <- crosstable(Cover ~ Use + AcceptedName, dune_veg, sum,

While the previous commands show statistics of groups in a vegetation table, it is also possible to write a presence-absence table:

Cross_pa <- crosstable(Cover ~ ReleveID + AcceptedName, pasture, function(x) 1,

Import from Turboveg

The original task of vegtable was the import of Turboveg databases in R. Thus one of the oldest functions in the package is tv2vegtable.

tv_home <- file.path(path.package("vegtable"), "tv_data")
Fujiwara <- tv2vegtable("Fujiwara_2014", tv_home)
zero values will be replaced by NAs 
## Metadata 
   db_name: Fujiwara_2014
   sp_list: Fujiwara_sp
   dictionary: Swea
   object size: 392.8 Kb 
   validity: TRUE 

## Content 
   number of plots: 56 
   plots with records: 56 
   variables in header: 29 
   number of relations: 2 

## Taxonomic List 
   taxon names: 301 
   taxon concepts: 254 
   validity: TRUE 
Screenshot of Kenyan data set displayed in Turboveg

In the case there is an error message produced by inconsistent data structure, there is the possibility of importing the data as a list for further inspection.

Fujiwara_list <- tv2vegtable("Fujiwara_2014", tv_home, output="list")

Export to Juice

Export of data for Juice follows a similar procedure as for cross tables.

write_juice(Fujiwara, "RiftValley",
  COVER_CODE ~ ReleveID + AcceptedName + LAYER,

Besides the vegtable object, the most important elements to export are:

The values for coords should be as decimal degrees and in the spatial system WGS 84. In Juice such information will be included in the header data as columns deg_lon and deg_lat, allowing the display of plots in Google Earth. The previous command has generated two files, namely RiftValley_table.txt and RiftValley_header.txt.

For importing the table, you may follow the steps:

The Kenyan data set displayed in Juice

Now for the head:

Display of header data in Juice

Map in leaflet

For geo-referenced plots, you can easily map the location of the plots, for instance using the package leaflet.

leaflet(Fujiwara@header) %>%
    addTiles() %>%
    addCircleMarkers(lng=~LONGITUDE, lat=~LATITUDE, color="red",
        opacity=0.5, radius=2)

Then, hopefully you enjoyed the session and did not get too much error messages.

Updated on



This workshop was supported by the project GlobE-wetlands.