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Convert values of a categorical cover scale to percentage values.

This function requires as input a coverconvert object which contains the conversion tables.


# S4 method for class 'character,coverconvert'
cover_trans(x, conversion, from = NULL, rule = "top", zeroto = 0.1, ...)

# S4 method for class 'factor,coverconvert'
cover_trans(x, conversion, ...)

# S4 method for class 'numeric,coverconvert'
cover_trans(x, conversion, ...)

# S4 method for class 'vegtable,missing'
cover_trans(x, to, replace = FALSE, rule = "top", zeroto = 0.1, ...)



Either a factor or character vector, or a vegtable object.


An object of class vegtable.


Scale name of values in x as character value.


A character value indicating the rule applied for cover transformation. Three rules are implemented for transformation, either top (values transformed to the top of the range), middle (transformation at the midpoint), and bottom (conversion at the lowest value of the range). In the later case, if the bottom is zero cover, a fictive bottom value can be set by 'zeroto'


Value set for transformation of classes with bottom at 0% cover.


Further arguments passed from or to other methods.


Name of the column in slot samples for writing converted values.


Logical value indicating whether existing cover values should be replaced by the new computed values or not.


Either a vector or a vegtable object.


Miguel Alvarez


## Check the available scales
#> ## Number of cover scales: 3 
#> * scale 'br_bl': 
#>   Levels    Range
#> 1      r    0 - 1
#> 2      +    0 - 1
#> 3      1    1 - 5
#> 4      2   5 - 25
#> 5      3  25 - 50
#> 6      4  50 - 75
#> 7      5 75 - 100
#> * scale 'b_bbds': 
#>   Levels    Range
#> 1      r    0 - 1
#> 2      +    0 - 1
#> 3      1    1 - 5
#> 4     2m    1 - 5
#> 5     2a   5 - 15
#> 6     2b  15 - 25
#> 7      3  25 - 50
#> 8      4  50 - 75
#> 9      5 75 - 100
#> * scale 'ordin.': 
#>   Levels    Range
#> 1      1    0 - 1
#> 2      2    0 - 1
#> 3      3    1 - 5
#> 4      4    1 - 5
#> 5      5   5 - 15
#> 6      6  15 - 25
#> 7      7  25 - 50
#> 8      8  50 - 75
#> 9      9 75 - 100

## Conversion by default 'top' rule
Kenya_veg <- cover_trans(Kenya_veg, to = "percent")
#>     1     5    15    25    50    75   100 
#> 55943  9269  1158  4846  2004   841   480 

## Conversion by 'middle' rule
Kenya_veg <- cover_trans(Kenya_veg, to = "percent", rule = "middle", replace = TRUE)
#>   0.5     3    10    15    20  37.5  62.5  87.5 
#> 55943  9269  1158  4364   482  2004   841   480 

## Conversion by 'bottom' rule
Kenya_veg <- cover_trans(Kenya_veg, to = "percent", rule = "bottom", replace = TRUE)
#>   0.1     1     5    15    25    50    75 
#> 55943  9269  5522   482  2004   841   480